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Project Structure

Rino 2 is different from version 1. Everything is just automation with project directory and file structure.

Which means it is easy to learn and easy to build a website with standard HTML, CSS, Javascript and Node.js, after reading about poject structure.

- pages
- components
- mds
- public
- scripts
  - export
- styles
  - export


/pages directory is for putting base HTML files. So Rino is going to build your web pages based on this directory. File and directory structure is going to be exactly same.


/components directory is for putting component HTML files. Component can contain other components. But don't try to cause infinite error by looping with the same component. You can use component by syntax like this:

<component @path="" @tag="" />

@path: This attribute is required for importing a component. You need to place a path of component. For example, @path="/header" or @path="/ko/footer".

@tag: This attribute is optional. However if you want to use HTML attribute on component tag, then you need to place a name of html element. For example, @tag="div" or

<component @path="/button" @tag="button" onclick="myFunction()" />


/mds directory is for putting markdown files. Rino is going to load all of them and parse Markdown to HTML on request.

<script @type="md" @path="" @tag="" type="text/markdowns"></script>

@type: This attribute is required for using a markdown. You need to place md or markdown.

@path: This attribute is required for importing a markdown. You need to place a path of markdown.

@tag: This attribute is optional. However if you want to use HTML attribute on component tag, then you need to place a name of html element.


/public directory is for putting any static files. Images, external css, javascript library and any other assets can be placed here.


/scripts directory is for building your javascript library. You can use npm packages. And you can choose which one to be exported by placing javascript files in /scripts/export/ directory. Rino is going to build your javascript and export to /scripts directory. So you can use the exported javascript file like how you normally would do in HTML. From version 2.1.1, you can use typescript as well.

We are handling script with import/export, the module type. So the file name will be the name of script instance. So if it is hello.js or hello.ts Then you got to call the function from outside like hello.FunctionName(). You can import them and do anything that is javascript/typescript browser development standard.

<script src="/scripts/example.js" />


/styles directory is for building your css library. And you can choose which one to be exported by placing css files in /styles/export/ directory. Rino is going to import local css files and build your css library and export to /styles directory. So you can use the exported css file like how you normally would do in HTML.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/example.css" />

Example of importing local css files:

@import "../header.css";
@import "../sidebar.css";
@import "../footer.css";


rino-config.js is for confiuration of Rino. You can change distribution directory for npm run generate command, change port number for development server for npm run dev, set site url for sitemap and adding sitemap for npm run sitemap or npm run generate-sitemap.

image-compression files

image-compression files are for running image compression app. This is developed after it is found that other web frameworks cannot handle image compression problem well. You can run this image compression app to compress and place image in the public directory.